Saturday, May 31, 2008
Cultivating a Grateful Heart
Last night it stormed…really stormed…and I enjoyed it thoroughly. I’ve been waiting for an all out thunderstorm with pounding rain, flashing lightning, and booming thunder. They’ve been forecasting such a storm over the course of the last few weeks…but it always seemed to escape us. Last night…it finally hit. I’m so thankful. There’s just something about a good storm. In a way it matched the depth of all the emotions I’ve been feeling over the last month or so. And beyond that, a good thunderstorm reminds me of God’s power. I used to be frightened by storms, but now I’ve grown to love them. I guess I’m starting to take after my Dad in that way. Last night I sat in bed reading as the storm was brooding outside my open window. I enjoyed the light breeze until the storm went full force and started blowing the rain through my screen window. So, I closed it but the left the blinds up so I could fully enjoy the lightening as it raced across the sky. I stayed up until mid-night reading and watching the storm…not caring about the late hour…just soaking in the beautiful night that it was, embracing the moment.A couple weekends ago I headed to Bloomington to hang out with Claire and John. Claire is a true bosom buddy. We’ve known each other since we were six years old and every year our friendship grows deeper, stronger, and richer. I can’t thank God enough for her. In an effort to lighten my mood we filled the weekend with fun activities. By the end of the weekend we had played the Nintendo Wii, bought the exact same tennis shoes (no kidding – we can get away with it since we live in different cities), taken a few walks, gone to see Prince Caspian (it was opening weekend), and bought flowers at the local farmers market. I planted my flowers later in the week. It was the most therapeutic thing I’ve don’t yet, I think. It’s funny how flowers can make me so happy….but they do. Now they grace my deck and patio outside my front door. It was the first time I had played the Wii. Even though I came away stinking sore from it, I really enjoyed it. We played tennis, baseball, bowling, ping pong, boxing, and several other games. The boxing was what did me in. After the second time of boxing against Claire I fou
The following weekend Andy, Elissa, and Joshua came to Fort Wayne for a wedding. I had the joy of babysitting Joshua while Andy and Elissa attended the wedding. So, Joshua made his debut trip to the zoo with his Aunt Jamie. I must say, he’s still a little young to fully appreciate the entirety of the zoo. For example, he
Christin is another huge blessing in my life. She provides just the right amount of humor relief at just the right time. She’s also been really sensitive and attentive to my needs. This last week we took an evening to play frisbee golf at Shoaf park. I had never played frisbee golf, but found it to be a fun group activity. I’m not really that good. It’s just like golf…the lower the score the better. The best score I got was four. I almost got three
- When life is hard and God is in us, our broken places can become the windows where His glory shines through.
- When life is hard and God is in us, we who are broken pots can become trophies.
- When life is hard and God is in us, we can rest assured that somehow, some way God will bring his redeeming glory to bare in our lives and in the lives of others.
I also have a new song for this season called I’m Letting Go by Francesca Battistelli. It describes exactly how I feel right now. Her CD doesn’t release until July, but she’s released this particular song to radio stations across the nation and you can download it for free at Check it out when you have a moment. I love her style.
I also love this warmer weather. I’m excited for our apartment pool to open up. I have a feeling I’ll be utilizing it often this summer, basking in the sun and reading to my heart’s content. There’s nothing like reading by the pool. The warmer weather has also brought my neighbors outside more. I have several new ones…and they’re so friendly for which I’m thankful. It’s lovely to have neighbors to share potting soil with and to talk about neighborly things with.
So, my heart is encouraged even in the middle of my pain and grief. God has shown me in so many ways His great love for me. He has invited me to enjoy the fullness of His love in the celebration of the everyday occurrences He’s brought into my life. The more I stop and embrace them, the more I soak in His love and come away with a sense of His healing touch on my heart. I’m so thankful I serve Christ…a mastermind of the heart…of my heart.
Jamie at 10:05 PM