Friday, August 03, 2007
It's Been Too Long!

It's been way too long since I've posted anything and lots has happened since then. The reason for my delay in blogging is the simple fact that I moved. In the process of moving, I no longer had internet connection or access to a computer at home. Since then I've bought a notebook computer...but I've yet to get internet connection at home. I decided to stay after work tonight since it's been too long. If I don't blog now, I'll never catch up!

My new apartment is fabulous...although I have yet to take pictures of it...those are forthcoming. I still have a few boxes to unpack and some pictures to hang in my bedroom. So, here's what's been happening aside from my move. Amy (from my small group) and T

om got married on July 21st. It was a beautiful wedding. I think my favorite part was the throwing of the rose petals as they excited the church as a married couple. We did our famous dog pile at the reception...this time it was video'd. I feel sorry for Kari...she was on the bottom.
The weekend prior to that Andy, Elissa, Joshua, and I took a road trip to see Grandpa Gail Bennett. We celebrated his birthday and also introduced his great grandson to him. The trip took a little longer since we needed to stop for feedings/b

urping and such. Oh but he's well w

orth the delay! Can you tell I'm simply smitten with my nephew? Look at him...he's adorable! I'm not a bit bias either. We had Grandpa's wonderful sweet corn, fresh tomatoes from the garden and I picked two ice cream buckets full of fresh blackberries. It was all oh so good! Can't beat July on the farm.
This week we had our last small group with Karri DeSelm. She and her husband Jim are headed to Philly next week. It's so sad to see her go...we're going to miss her a ton! Although, since their families live around here, we hope to see them during the holidays at least. Here's a picture of us all laughing...I was nominated to lay across everyon

e since I was the one pushing the button on the camera and we were running out of room.
This weekend I'm just chilling and next weekend I'm headed to Illinois for my family reunion. It will be great to see everyone again. I'm sure I'll have more to blog about after that.
Jamie at 4:34 PM
at 5:01 PM
The Roths said...
I want to see pictures of your new apartment!!! You look so cute in that black and white polka-dot dress.