Monday, June 09, 2008
Storms, Sleep Over, and a Surprise!
It seems the storm from a week ago has brought a rush of storms into the area. Crazy! I've enjoyed them. Although I imagine everyone whose dealing with flooding in the middle of the state isn't enjoying this so much. Today I was at Dick's Sporting Goods when a storm hit...I looked outside and the rain was flying sideways. The lightening looked wicked...the kind that comes straight down. The electricity actually went out in the store...there weren't many people there so it wasn't that big of a deal. It was kind of fun. I was actually really glad I was there instead of in my apartment on the second flooSpeaking of storms, Friday night we had a doozy. There were tornadoes in the area. Our small group had hoped to go camping Friday night but took one look at the forecast and thought better of it. Instead all the girls came over here for a good ole sleep over. We had homemade pizza, homemade caramel corn, and lots of other yummy food. One thing is for sure...we never go hungry when we get together. These girls know how to throw a party! We stayed up late
into the night watching a movie and talking. Anyway, at one point we looked outside and the sky was we turned on the TV and realized the gravity of the situation. The severe storms were to our east, but there was a chance of tornadoes in our area nonetheless. After about 15 minutes of watching the weather man on the TV we stepped outside on the balcony and beheld a beautiful double rainbo
w. I savored the moment, thinking of God's promises and how He's so good.
Earlier in the day, I got a phone call from my friend Leandra asking me if I wanted to join her on a bus trip to Nova Scotia and Prince Edward Island. It was quite out of the blue, so after she explained that her sister was unable to go and there was an open spot on the bus I understood a little more of why she was asking me to join her for a road trip to Canada. The crazy thing is it's scheduled for next week! I have always wanted to go there and could hardly believe the opportunity was at my front door. So after the initial shock, I managed to rearrange my schedule, get time off of work, and said a resounding YES! The timing of it couldn't be more perfect. I'd been thinking it would be really nice to take a vacation about now, but had no idea of where to go or what to do. And then, plop, God placed this in my lap. Another moment to look up to the heavens and say, "God, you certainly know better than I...thank you for caring so much".
So, next time I write on here, I'll most likely be sharing beautiful pictures from my road trip. Canada, here I come!
Jamie at 8:55 PM