My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Thursday, July 03, 2008

Canada: Day 2

This day was pretty uneventful as it was our scheduled travel day. We spent all day on the road only stopping for breakfast, lunch, and supper. We had breakfast in New York, lunch in Massachusetts, and dinner in Freeport, Main. There was a shopping outlet in Freeport so they gave us a couple hours to walk around and do a little shopping if we desired. I had a lobster roll and clam chowder for dinner…it was yummy. Can’t beat seafood by the ocean. This was the first time I’d tasted lobster and I must say I had expected it to taste better. It didn’t really leave that much of an impression on me. Perhaps that’s because it was on a sandwich? I don’t know. It wasn’t bad, but I think I was expecting to be wowed by it since I heard so many people rave about it. Non-the-less, I tried it and enjoyed it.
We played catch phrase on the bus, a fun game to make the time pass quickly. We arrived at the Canadian border sometime after 10 p.m. I can’t remember the exact time. I just know we were all in our PJ’s and in bed. Thankfully we didn’t have to leave the bus. We filled out the paperwork and passed it back down to the officials. They didn’t even ask to see our passports. It was a pretty easy crossing to say the least. We all slept a little better this night…I guess we were getting used to sleeping while in constant motion.

Jamie at 7:32 PM



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