Saturday, July 26, 2008
I love lazy Saturdays...
I love lazy Saturdays, how about you? Today has been one of those lazy Saturdays. Right now I’m sitting at my desk enjoying the pitter patter of a summer afternoon rain. I don’t know why it gives me so much joy, but it does. The cool air and soothing sound of the rain just doesMy roommate Christin has had a couple of hard weeks with a variety of things going on in her life. So, one Friday night not too long ago, we decided to spontaneously head to Chick-fil-A to get a quick bite to eat. It was dress like a cow night and get a free chicken sandwich. Unfortunately we left our cow costumes at home, but had other coupons we used anyway. We were pleased to meet this cow there though. Who goes to Chick-fil-A on a Friday night and takes their picture with a cow

Last weekend I went to Wisconsin with my co-worker, Cindy, and her family. They were headed up there for a family wedding reception and it just so happened they were driving close by where Andy and Elissa are now living. So they dropped me off and I got to spend a couple days with them and my oh so cute nephew, Joshua. Andy gave us a tour of where he works. Despite what the sign says here, we all entere
d into Andy’s workplace since we were with one of the employees. Such rebels. The place is filled with all kinds of machinery that looks complicated and potentially dangerous. I came away thinking, I’m glad Andy works there and not me. Especially after hearing him talk about measuring different projects out…anything having to do with numbers makes my brain hurt.

Then we drove over to the place they’ll be moving into in September. It will be nice to picture them there. It’s a five hou

I finished reading The Shack this week. Wow! What a read. It was soooooo good. I came away from it with so much to chew on. I’m going to have to go back and read it again because it’s jam packed with insights and thoughts to mull over. I’m sure I didn’t catch them all the first time around. It is so creatively written and is so fresh. I loved it because I’ve grown up with in the box thinking when it comes to my faith, but this is anything but trapped in a box. The picture it gives of the Trinity is beautiful. I’m doing a study on the Holy Spirit right now, so it was particularly interesting for me to see how the author, William Paul Young, depicts the Holy Spirit. Actually, his whole picture of the entire Trinity was intriguing and insightful. What’s crazy about this book is that it is fiction. Just goes to show that story telling can be just as powerful as or sometimes even more powerful than a self-help or how-to book.
On another note, Francesca Battistelli’s debut album, My Paper Heart, is now available to purchase. The best part though is you can listen to the entire album for free on her website. So, I went there and did just that wondering if perhaps her song, I’m Letting Go, was really the only one I’d like. I was pleasantly surprised to find I love her entire album. I love her style of music, her voice, and her lyrics. I can relate to many of the songs. So, now I know it’s worth buying the CD.
Last night we celebrated Michelle’s birthday. We saw Mama Mia and then went to Baskin Robbins for some yummy ice cream afterwards. I had Jamocha Oreo…oh so good. Michelle had Cherry Chip and Christin had a donut filled with gooey cream. Mama Mia was a fun chick flick. The music was catchy and it was over all a really funny movie. I don’t remember the last time I was in a movie theatre that was filled with so much laughter. While I don’t necessarily agree with the morals they pushed in the movie, I thought it was an entertaining and fun movie none-the-less. Next up on my movies to watch list is Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2. The first one was so good; I hope this one isn’t a disappointment.
Jamie at 3:51 PM