Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Raising the Tent and Getting Busted

We did manage to get our tent up...but not without our friendly camping neighbor's help. I know, it's pathetic isn't it? I'm convinced we would have gotten it on our own...it just might have been a bit longer that it took us with the help. This picture was taken this last Saturday morning when I was waiting for the rest of the girls to wake up.
Yup, I was up at 8:00 a.m. Mind you this was after getting to bed around 1:00 a.m. and not falling alseep until 2:00 a.m. We were so busted at 1:00 a.m. by a park ranger also. It was qutie funny really. Here we are all young ladies in our mid-twenties laughing hysterically and loudly at 1:00 a.m. Next thing we know a park ranger is outside our tent asking someone to step outside the tent. Guess who was next to the door? Yup, it was me. So I stepped out and listened to him say he was over at our neighbors campsite and could hear us and he would appreciate it if we would keep it down for our neighbors sake. We were polite and accepted his admonishment...I even said thank you...funny thing to say...but I did. After he left we all had to stuff our heads in our pillows while we laughed hysterically at the fact that we were just busted while camping!
By 9:00 a.m. I gave up on waiting and decided to wake them up. Once I convinced them to get up, we all enjoyed some KrispyKreme donuts. I know, it's not really hard core camping when you have donuts for breakfast...but it sure was yummy. Nothing like starting your day off with a sugar rush. Hey, you're talking to the girl who eats ice cream occasionaly for breakfast.
Jamie at 5:23 PM