Wednesday, August 09, 2006
Preparing For the Big Trip

Claire and John had accomplished a lot before their last weekend in Bloomington in preperation for their trip to the DR. They still had a few last minute items to check off their list while I was there i.e. packing. They were debating on whether to take 5 bags or 4 taking into consideration the over weight fees and extra baggage fees. They finally determined 5 bags would be cheaper than taking 4 over weight bags. Well, if you want the rest of the story, visit their blog at It's worth checking it out, trust me.
I was able to help them with one very fun task...spending all their gift cards! Since they are both teachers, they have recieved quite a bit of gift cards from students in the last year or two. So, it was fun to do the shopping thing...although Claire would probably disagree on that note. I enjoy shopping non-the-less.
The plant that Claire and I are standing by in the above pictures is a plant I gave her many, many years ago. She named him Pete. He was just a little thing when I gave him to her and I'm amazed every time I see him how much he's grown! So, ofcourse, we had to take a picture by him.
Jamie at 4:54 PM