My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Monday, September 11, 2006

Fall is in the Air

Well, it appears fall is in the air. I love fall... it's my favorite season. I just love the crispness in the air and the brightness of the changing leaves. How odd that leaves are in their prettiest state right before they die. There could be some symbolizm in that, but since I'm not in the mood to write a deep dialog about leaves, I'll leave that comment stand by itself.

It's funny how with every new season my schedule seems to change somewhat. I guess that's only natural. So, for this fall, I have a lot of things going on. They're all very good things, ofcourse, it just seems the pace of life has picked up once again. Which is why I haven't really updated this blog in a while.

For instance, every Wednesday night I'm attending this class at church called Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University. Each class we watch a video of Dave teaching and then discuss it with the small group afterwords. We've only had one class so far, but I can tell this is really going to change the way I manage my money and as Dave Ramsey says, I could change my family tree. He really gives some great ways to manage your money, and I'm at an advantage since I'm so young...that is if I impliment what he's teaching. He has a way of really motivating me to do so though, and he's very funny. If you'd like to visit his web site it's I'd highly recommend his class, or if you don't have a class to attend where you live, his book is a good place to start.

I also have small group every Tuesday night and it looks like I might be joining a girls volleyball team in Decatur...just to fill in when they need me. We've entered the "we just want to have fun" level. And it's a good thing if I'm going to be filling in becuase that's about all I accomplish when I play volleyball. I really enjoy the sport, but seeing as how I was a runner in high school I never had the opportunity to learn the sport and play. Beach volleyball is the best!

I've also recently discovered a group of 20 somethings that meet every Sunday night and study the Bible together. Here's the blurb they had about it on their web site:

The Core is a ministry of young adults (singles and marrieds, 18-30 years old) who Sacrifice in Worship, Serve in Ministry, Soak in Teaching and Share in Community.

It's a part of Pathway Community Church here in Fort Wayne, but there are over 14 different churches represented in the group becuase it's probably the only one reaching out to this age group. I've gone a couple of times and it's been really good, so I'll probably go whenever I'm in town on the weekends.

So, that's what has been happening here for the last couple of weeks. Until next time, hope you enjoy the beginnings of fall.

Jamie at 4:39 PM



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