My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Saturday, November 04, 2006

I'm Online at Home Now!

Well, I'm finally online at home which hopefully means I'll be able to keep up on my blog a lot better. There's always plenty to write about, but I don't find that I want to stick around at work after hours in order to update my blog.

My roommate and I had quite the adventure last weekend when we woke up to a flooded basement due to the sump pump malfunctioning. There was about 3 inches of standing water in some areas and boy was it cold to my bare feet! Looking back now it's a miricle that neither one of us got electrocuted. There were several items plugged in, including my TV, VCR and DVD player which was plugged into a power strip that was on the floor almost covered in water! We quickly unplugged it and when Angie picked it up it was hot to touch and had actually melted in some parts. SCARY! Praise God for looking out for us and protecting us!

Thankfully, not much was damaged from the water. I threw out a pillow and a blanket, but I think that's all. Only a portion of the basement got flooded which is a very good thing. My furniture wasn't harmed and we were able to get the water out of there with an emergency sump pump very quickly. We sucked the water out of the carpet with a carpet cleaner and then ripped it up and dried it out. It doesn't have an oder and it dried nicely, so we're going to put it back down.

Rachael, my friend and mentor, loaned me her AirSource (which helped purify the air) and some cleaning solution from Shaklee since she sells Shaklee products. So, I'm quite thankful for that and am so happy to know that the chances of bacteria and mold growing now are extremely less because of the Shaklee products I borrowed. You can learn all about Shaklee products at Rachael's website:

Jamie at 10:08 PM



at 1:39 PM Blogger The Roths said...

Nice advertisement for Shakelee! I'm glad everything is back to normal


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