Saturday, September 30, 2006
Settlers of Catan

Here's a close up of Settlers. It's really a complicated game, but fun once you get the hang of it. Basically you want to build roads, settlements and cities. The way you build any of those things is by collecting resources such as wood, ore, wheat and brick and then trading them in for whatever it is your building. It's all in the placement of your first road link and the luck of how the die lands. Ofcourse there is a point system and the first one to reach 10 points wins the game. You might say, "that's must be a quick game if you only have to get 10 points." Trust me, nothing could be farther from the truth. Remember when I said it's a game of strategy? Anything with strategy takes FOREVER! Nonetheless, it's a game worth checking out!
Jamie at 5:10 PM