My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Saturday, September 30, 2006

Family and Hair Styling Details

Here are some more family pics. The last two were taken when we went to Indy to visit the Lancasters over Labor Day weekend.

By the way, Carole, you had asked if my hair is easy to style. Let me just say, I have never used more product in all my life. Would you like to know the process? First I put moose in my hair, then hair dry it, then curl it, then style it with piecing paste and then hair spray it...heaven forbid it move from it's place once I've spent so much time investing in it. Silly, I know...but it's a new fun style and I like it for now. I'm getting faster with the whole routine. Practice makes perfect, eh?

Jamie at 5:26 PM



at 8:17 PM Blogger The Roths said...

Wow - you are looking a whole lot like Betsy with that hairstyle. John even noticed. I'm glad you had a good time with the fam... I still need to give you a call sometime, but my cell phone service (internationally) doesn't always work. We should email more!!!

at 9:41 PM Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who's the good looking women in the center of the middle picture...I'd like to marry her...oh, I married to her :o) Buyah!


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