Tuesday, September 19, 2006
Family Fun & Games

This last weekend I trecked my way down to Upland to spend the weekend with Andy, Elissa and Peter. Pete flew in to see family in the Midwest before he's deployed to Afghanistan. We spent the weekend chatting, playing games, and watching a motorcycle race that came through Andy and Elissa's landlords property. That was fun becuase thier landlord, Larry, took us for a ride in his jeep. I was in the back standing up enjoying the many acres of woods and the feeling of the breeze sweep over my face. Pete was standing behind me and it's a good thing becuase a couple of times it got a bit rough and I might have fallen backwards had he not been there to catch me although I did have a pretty good grip on the jeep. It was just nice to know he was back there.
Among the games we played was The Settlers of Catan. I had never played it before but enjoyed it once I caught on to how it's played. It's a strategy game, so explaining it took probably a good 45 minutes. And it lasts forever! But non-the-less, it's definatley fun. I tried to post a close up picture of the game, however the computer is being slow and refuses to upload it. So, perhaps I'll try again later. We also enjoyed a few rounds of crazy canasta.
I'm sad I won't get to see Peter for another good year and a half probably. But, I guess that's just the way life is. As my Mom always says, "such is life". But at least we had a good weekend together.
Jamie at 4:47 PM