My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Spending the Holidays in Florida

Well, this picture depicts what I just got finished doing...relaxing and taking it easy in the sunny state of Florida. I arrived home around 11 p.m. last night and couldn't wind down enough to go to bed until mid-night. When 6:45 a.m. came around I wasn't exactly ready to hit the ground running, but I did anyway. It's been a long day and I can't believe I'm sitting here blogging when I should be getting ready for bed. Oh well. The cat pictured above is Angie's and his name is Jinga. He was so adorable we couldn't resist taking a picture.

My trip entailed playing games with my family, shopping, celebrating the holidays with family, and sleeping in until 9 a.m. every day! The picture above shows us playing Ticket to Ride. We call it the train game. It takes a lot of strategy and we discovered that by the first 15 minutes of the game you can become one frustrated person. Simply put, the object is to complete routes that you draw. Well, with four people and overlapping routes, it's easy to have your well mapped out route blocked or taken over by someone else. Peter and Dad won a lot. Mom and I spent a lot of time being frustrated. Oh well, it was fun anyway.

We also went to a place called Wakulla Springs last Saturday. It was 80 degrees and sunny...a perfect day for the boat ride we took. We saw all kinds of wildlife during the ride...allegators, turtles (my favorite) and lots of birds.

It was great to have Pete with us for most of the week. Above is a self portrait of us...hence the cut off heads. Oh well, it gives it a modern look, right? We saw Peter off at the airport last Thursday. They let us go past the security check point with him since we are military family. It was good to have the extra time together as Pete waited to board the flight. He'll be leaving for Afghanistan any day now. It was really hard to say goodbye but we're set up to talk on skype so that will be good.

Overall it was a great vacation and believe it or not I'm glad to be back home getting back into a daily routine.

Jamie at 9:43 PM



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