Monday, April 30, 2007
Michelle's Bachlorette Party

Friday night we surprised Michelle with a bachlorette party. She thought she was going to Flat Top Grill for dinner with her sister who had come up from Indy to spend the weekend with her. She was really confused when she ended up at Club Soda and we were all there to welcome her! We enjoyed an evening of delicious food and great company.

Christen made the tiara veil for Michelle to wear and gave her some fun beaded necklaces to wear. One of them was a hottie whistle. Whenever she saw a cute guy she was supposed to blow the whistle...well she didn't really play along with that game...but it was funny anyway. There was a wedding party there having their rehearsal dinner and the groom kept standing up and giving speaches. He was a bit wasted, I'd say, and at one point he was probably standing on his chair giving his speach for about a half hour. I think Michelle attempted to blow the whistle to get him to sit down and stop making a fool of himself, but nonetheless, it didn't work.

I had a salad, grilled chicken, and aged, cheesy, mashed pototoes. The potatoes were the best by far! I'm really glad the no smoking law is going into effect soon. Club Soda is a bar, so smoking is free for all. My clothes smelled just aweful when we left...not to mention the fact that the smell left me with little appetite which made it difficult to really enjoy my food. It is a fun atmoshere though and we did have a great time together.

Above are pictures of Christin and Kari making some funny faces. When you get these two girls together it's a hoot! If one starts laughing, watch out! Once they get to laughing there's no stopping them for quite some time. After Club Soda we went back to Christin and Michelle's apartment. Below you'll see us wrapping some presents and doing final preperations for the party before Michelle showed up. We told Linda (Michelle's sister) to drive her around for a while so we could get set up).

After she opened her gifts we put on some music and danced the night away. Well, some danced the night away...I tried a bit, but I must admit I'm a terrible dancer. Christin has it maybe she'll teach me some moves since we'll be roommates soon. I landed in bed at 1 a.m. which is totally uncharacteristic for me even on the weekend. But hey, a late night here and there is keeps me young, right?
Jamie at 6:53 PM