Monday, March 05, 2007
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
This last weekend I took a road trip to Bloomington to see my second family, Claire's family. Even though Claire and John are still in the D.R. I thought it would be fun to hang out with whoever happened to be at the Pontius home this last weekend. We attended a murder mystery dinner theatre on Saturday night. Each of us were assigned characters. Gail was Lindsey Dagger (Instead of Wagner) - the Bionic Chick. Brad was Lee Minor (Instead of Major) - the $6 Bionac Man (instead of the $6 million Man). And I was Linda Stopthat (instead of Ronstadt)- a famous singer in the 1970's who's hit songs were "You're No Good," "Don't Cry Now" and "When Will I Be Loved." Lindsey was always asking if people wanted her autograph so everyone would always say oh Stopthat...hence her last name. As you can see...all of the characters were played off of famous characters.
Gail wore a dress her Mom made in 1976. She looked smashing in it! She was really the only one dressed wholesomely...everyone else dressed like...well like people in entertianment did in the 70s.
Once I was all ready to go I helped Gail do her make up. She had bought this great neon green and yellow eye shadow to go with her dress...unfortunately it didn't work out too well. We went for the glamorous look instead of the freak look since they didn't work out.
As you can probaly tell, we teased teh daylights out of my hair. But by the end of the night it was falling even though I sprayed tons of hairspray on it.

Here we all are...ready to go party! I got my skirt and shirts at Goodwill...they were quite the find! Below is a picture of some of the other suspects. Jackie- the owner of the Manhatten Club - was the victim. Of course everyone at the party had motive for killing her...we just had to figure out "who done it".

Everyone had a script to follow and the point was to stay in character the entire evening. Of course, that was rather difficult considering it was a group of people who regularly hang out together. There were only parts written for 8 people and there were 13 of us total. So, I ended up being one of the extra people...which meant I didn't have a script and I wasn't the murderer. Brad and Gail were also extra characters. We had fun guessing who the murderer was.
Here's a pic of Brad I just couldn't help but post. I think the pink boa is very becoming on him, don't you think so?
The murderer turned out to be Jimmy Hoffa...who actually was Gloria (I can't remember her last name). You see Jimmy/Gloria had a sex change and Jackie had found out. You say, what's the big deal? Well, the big deal is that Gloria was a women's lib activist and if Jackie revealed her/his secret, well her/his career would have ended. So, she/he killed Jackie. Crazy twist, huh? Below you'll see we had plenty of time for celebrity pictures!

The Bionic couple show off their stuff!

And after all that, Linda Stopthat was able to only sign her autograph once this weekend...tisk...tisk. Even so, a fun time was had by all.
Jamie at 7:25 PM