My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Sunday, March 25, 2007


I realize it's been quite some time since I last posted anything. Let me just tell you it's been a crazy two weeks. Before I go into detail about what's happening here, allow me to reccomend a movie called "The Ulitmate Gift". It was released in theatres two weeks ago and is produced by Fox Faith. I found it to be very enjoyable and thought provoking. It wasn't cheesy like a lot of Christian films are. They did an excellent job in casting the characters...I laughed, almost cried, and came away personally challenged to be thankful for the simple things in life I often take for granted. I'd encourage you to check it out.

And now for the big news...two weeks ago my roommate, Angie, got engaged! Yup, engaged. Crazy, huh? So, I guess you know what that means? I'm moving once again. She and Randy have set the wedding date for August 25, 2007...yup only 5 months away.

So, in the last two weeks a lot has transpired. Christin and I have decided to be roommates since her current rommate, Michelle, is also getting married this summer. We went apartment shopping yesterday and made a lot of progress but we haven't made any final decisions yet since there were a couple places we couldn't see the layout we liked. I'm really excited to live with Christin...she's full of energy and is tons of fun to be around. We also have a lot of the same friends, similar values and an established friendship with each other.

I'm hoping to move the first of August...that is if Angie's house doesn't sell before then. She's putting it on the market in April. So, if it sells right away, I'm going to be looking for a place to live soon after that. I'm hoping and praying the timing of it all works out perfectly.

It's been a great year living with Angie. We're coming away with a newfound friendship as well as having learned a whole lot from each other. We even have the same sense of humor which has provided us with plenty of long, hard, belly laughs leaving us with sore stomachs the next day. I'm sure we'll miss each other and our well established daily routines.

I guess I'm on a year to two year rotation bases for moving. I'm begining to wonder if I'll ever settle down. It's kind of crazy. This time around I'm taking the time to go through all my stuff and pitch or set it aside for a yard sale. I'm being brutal with my sorting... I have to. I've been blessed with having a lot of space so I haven't had to purge much. But, now I'll be moving into a much smaller place and Christin has furniture we'll be using. There will likely be very little storage space where we end up living. Angie and I are planning to have a yard I'm motivated to do what I should have done a long time ago...purge, purge, purge. A difficult task for the saver in me.

Well, I think that about sums it up for now.

Jamie at 6:11 PM



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