Sunday, May 27, 2007
Hurricane Katrina Relief Work
My parents flew in for a week to meet their new grandson and to spend time with family. It was wonderful to have them here. One of my fav
The day after my parents went back home, I got up at 4 a.m. and traveled to Gulf Port, Mississippi with a group from my church to help with the Katrina relief effort. It was a long day as we didn’t arrive at camp until around 8 p.m. Steve drove all but two hours…kudos to him for his perseverance and stamina! Even though the trip was really long, I really enjoyed my travel companions! Brianna and Linda were loads of fun to travel with and I soon found out our
Our camp facilities were very nice…I’ve been told the nicest of any volunteer camp around. For that I was very thankful! There were 20 bunk beds on one RV camper. A bathroom in the middle separated it into two rooms with 10 bunks on each end. In addition to the two bunk houses (one for men and one for women), there was a Bathroom bunk house where two more toilets, 3 showers, and 3 sinks were located on the women’s side as well as the men’s side. We convened daily for breakfast and supper in a larger trailer that was connected to a storage room and kitchen. We packed our own lunches after breakfast every day and ate on site.
My favorite aspect of the campsite was being right there on the ocean front. We just had a road separating the campsite from the beach. I managed to walk the beach three times and would
Anyway, the last evening we were there we hit the road after cleaning up and packing so I didn’t really have time to enjoy the peacefulness of a stroll along the beach. Swimming is officially allowed, but no one is really encouraging it. There has been a lot of yucky stuff wash ashore along with items that could be harmful i.e. glass, metal, etc. I chose to stay on the beach but others braved their way into the water. While walking one day I saw jelly
Well, it seems I’ve written so much already and haven’t even told you about the service project I was assigned to work at. Leave it to me to be long winded! I worked at the same project site all week long. It entailed moving Ken Wetzel and his
My duties were widely varied, yet I still came away without learning much about dry walling and insulating as I had initially thought would be a big portion of our responsibilities last week. Well, plans changed. So, my work entailed packing up items in their old house and loading/unloading several truck loads, cleaning the old house, doing some touch up paint on the old house, painting the kitchen (two coats) in the new house, helping discard of a large pile of construction debris out of their new front yard, helping put new trim on the kitchen ceiling, holding their adorable 15 month old, Elizabeth, cleaning up the new house, and arranging furniture and boxes to make the new place a little more livable.
Others worked hard to get door handles on the doors, ceiling fans hung, electrical work completed, and plumbing finished for a functional bathroom. I’m sure there was plenty of other work completed I’m not even aware of. Even though there were several finishing touches to be done on the house, we left them with a livable home…which was our goal. And as we were reminded all week, don’t feel bad about what work you can’t accomplish because another group is coming right behind you. Hope City has volunteers
We were required to keep our hours recorded because the government says our volunteer work is worth $18 an hour if we were to be paid. Our group put over $20,000 worth of work into the rebuilding effort this last week. Amazing!
Others in our group worked at a few other sites doing some demolition, insulating, and painting. Holly, one of the girls on the work team, didn’t realize insulation is itchy and pretended it was a boa and wrapped it around her neck as if she were at a fashion show. She soon realized her mistake!
I’m praising God for your prayer support, safe travels, wonderful weather, st
And now, I challenge and commission you to step out in faith and do something beyond yourself by serving as Christ would serve. Whether it be volunteering a week of your time at Hope City or serving a neighbor in need wherever you live. You’ll be amazed what an impact serving can make in your life and in many others.
Jamie at 8:31 PM
- at 3:43 AM said...
Hey, thanks for posting the photo of Ken Wetzel's house and the news... I was one of the volunteers in the week of March 24-31 who worked on siding that house. Looks like it's almost done. Isn't Ken just about the sweetest guy you've ever met? That was a great photo of him and Dawn, too.
Rob Fetter
Irvine, CA- at 4:57 PM said...
Our mission team from First Assembly of God (York, PA) worked with Ken and Dawn and others Jan 12-19, 2008. We stayed at the church next door to Ken and Dawn's home. Ken and Dawn are doing great. Their daughter Elizabeth and 4 month old son, Paul, are doing okay but still have health problems. Elizabeth was in the hospital last week.
"Chainsaw Bill" from South Carolina is now helping Ken with a lot of the administrative duties which is helping Ken focus on volunteer duties. You can often get an update about Ken and Dawn at