Monday, April 30, 2007
I'm an Aunt!

I was ecstatic yesterday when I got the call. My nephew had finally decided to enter the world! Joshua Andrew Bennett was born at 8:58 a.m. He was 6 lbs 14 oz and 19 1/2 inches long. He has brown hair and blue eyes and is as cute as a button!

I was glad he was born on a Sunday because I was able to go spend the afternoon with Andy, Elissa and Joshua that way. It would have been more difficult to take time off of work had he been born during the week. It was amazing to be holding him only hours after he had been in the womb. Such a small and precious little guy.

It's quite sur real to think Andy and Elissa are parents and I'm an Aunt! Tears of joy have come a few times. I'm just overwhelmed with the miricle of life.

Elissa was doing really well when I saw her. We're praising God for a speedy and safe delivery. She was only in labor for 7 hours which is amazing! Even so, giving birth is quite an achievement. Kudos to her! And kudos to Andy for being such a loving husband and great daddy. He even changed Joshua's diaper a couple times while I was there. Of course he offered the job to me but I declined...although one of the diapers was so messy it was a two person job and I ended up helping.

My heart is filled to the brim with joy...I can't imagine what it's like to be a mother....Elissa must be about ready to burst with happiness. What a gift.
Jamie at 7:20 PM
at 11:06 AM
RachelRenae said...
Hi, Jamie. I just found your blog and thought I'd drop a note. It's nice to find fellow Christians blogging. Stop by and say hi sometime.
And you have a beautiful nephew! Congrats!