Friday, September 21, 2007
I'm Online!
I'm finally connected to the Internet at home! Thanks to Ben (Rachael's husband). He hooked me up with my new laptop and also set up my Internet. Verizon sent a self install kit and I'm just not computer savvy enough to do it myself. I'm grateful for his help!Hopefully this means I'll be posting more. The last couple months have flown by and I haven't had a lot of time to blog anyway, but now that I'm set up at home, I'll try to do better.
Last week I met Claire and John at the Johnny Appleseed Festival. We spent a couple hours together enjoying the coolness of the day - it was really perfect weather - and taking in the sites of the festival. I had some scrumptious chicken and dumplings and homemade root beer.
I also worked on a service project with a group from my church last weekend. We started prepping a detached garage to paint. Tomorrow we're headed back to finish the job. It's supposed to be really nice weather again. I love fall.
On another note I started a Beth Moore study with some women at work two weeks ago. We're doing her Believing God study and it's excellent so far! Which reminds me I need to do my homework for today. There's 5 days worth of homework each week and it can take between 30-45 minutes to complete each day. It's well worth the time and effort though. From the start she has us memorize a 5 statement pledge that basically summarizes the entire study...this is it:
1. God is who He says He is.
2. God can do what He says He can do.
3. I am who God says I am.
4. I can do all things through Christ.
5. God's Word is alive and active in me.
Pretty cool, huh? I love it because it goes hand in hand with what I've been studying via CTO this last year. For those of you who don't know what CTO is, it's an in depth Bible study I've been going through with my mentor Rachael. CTO stands for Called to Obedience. I'll probably reference CTO since it's been such a life changing experience for me. That's what happens when you get into God's does become alive and active in you. I'm so thankful for how God has been and is at work in me.
Well, until next time...hopefully sooner than later.
Jamie at 4:35 PM
Thursday, September 06, 2007
Where did August go?
I still don't have internet at home but am getting my rear in gear and am going to do something about that within the next couple of weeks hopefully.
I just finished reading "The Rest of God" by Mark was excellent! He talks in depth about Sabbath keeping. I really appreciated his approach to the subject. It was convicting, yet freeing all at the same time. There's no pressure to get up and just do it because that's what you're

Onto a lighter topic…last night I went raspberry picking with Rachael and three of her kids, Ethan, Raven, and Xavier. I came home with about 2.5 lbs of raspberries at $2.50 per pound. They are delicious and
Jamie at 4:29 PM