Tuesday, May 04, 2010
Birthday Fun and More Change...
So I’ve pretty much abandoned blogging of late. It seems I go in seasons with this. There’s been a ton going on…so forgive me for my tardiness in posting. I don’t know how many people are really interested in my ramblings anyway…for all I know I could be the only one that reads it…and that’s because I write it. :)So, let me catch you up to speed. I celebrated my birthday in April and it was the most beautiful birthday I can ever remember. It was 80 degrees! It was a breezy, sunshiny day. I couldn’t have asked for anything better, really. I felt so loved by you, my friends and family…lots of cards, phone calls, and texts. My co-workers had decorated my desk with daisies and I had a bouquet of daffodils welcoming me when I arrived at work.

I’m sure there’s much more I could write about…but this will have to do for now. I need to head to small group. So until next time, God bless you, friend!
Jamie at 6:29 PM
- at 8:32 PM said...
I read your blogs! So someone besides you reads your ramblings :). You have to send me your new address. I need Andy's too but I don't know when he is moving either. Keep up the blogs.
Aunti B- at 11:29 AM said...
We read your blog too, Jamie! Did you know that you became my inspiration for moving with as little stress as possible when we helped you move into your last house? You had everything so organized and ready to go!
We'll be sending out our new address info soon - we just got a little busy buying a van and traveling to IL! :)- at 5:12 PM Gerson & Betsy said...
Well, here's a third person who reads your blog! :) I'm glad you updated. I check in about once a week to see if you've posted. When we go to Texas and don't see you as much, I'll need you to do more regular posts! Of course, I can't say too much since I haven't been too good at keeping my blog updated either. How's that for a sister's rambling??? :) Love ya, sis.
- at 10:57 PM andy said...
Hey JJ,
I wonder the same thing...but you have 4 people wo read your blog!
Love you and look forward to seeing you Memorial Day weekend!
AJB- at 10:59 PM andy said...
JUST TO CLARIFY...I was not making comment to your "ramblings" but I wonder how many people read MY BLOG!!! LOL