My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Season of Thanksgiving: The Rest of My Siblings

Our Thanksgiving holiday plans were changed at the last minute this year due to illnesses. We were all quite sad, but I was thankful for plan B. The original plan was for Betsy, Gerson, Jayden and me to spend Thanksgiving in Wisconsin with Andy, Elissa, the boys and Elissa’s parents at Elissa’s parent’s house. We dearly missed our Wisconsin family, but I’m thankful we’ll be able to see them over Christmas in Illinois. Plan B ended up being a small family gathering in Gas City with a last minute dinner thrown together. I must admit…for a last minute dinner, it turned out pretty good! I made Cornish hens for the first time with a recipe I found online. Gerson, Betsy, Jayden, and I enjoyed a low key weekend together and played three games of Settler’s of Catan… the Seafarers edition. We each won one game so we ended the weekend on happy terms.

I loved being able to have extended time to just be with Betsy and Gerson and talk about matters of the heart. They have so much wisdom and encouragement to share. I also really look up to them and their parenting . The way the love and care for Jayden is evidence of God’s love flowing in and through them. I’m savoring every minute I get to spend with them since the plan is for them to move to Texas this coming summer.

I also dearly miss having Andy and Elissa close by. I’m so thankful for their friendship and wisdom they have to share about life. Watching them parent is also quite encouraging to me. I see how much work it is…but admire their steady patience, loving discipline, and creative interactions with the boys. I tell you what; I’ve got plenty of people to go to for advice whenever my turn comes.

I’m so thankful for all of my family and consider myself rich in love because of them.

Jamie at 8:32 PM



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