Sunday, January 04, 2009
Happy New Year!
Happy New Year! I don’t know about you, but I’m thrilled to be in the New Year. Last year was a hard year in many ways, not only for me but for many of my friends and family. While trials are a breeding ground for growth (a good but painful thing), I’m thankful for a new marker in which a new season is awaiting to break forth. Yes, I understand there will be more trials. Yes, I understand there will be more pain. But there will also be new joys, new adventures, and more reasons to praise God for His sustaining love, comfort, grace, and peace. Isaiah 35:2 states it well, “Yes, there will be an abundance of flowers and singing and joy!” This is a picture of restoration in a dry and barren desert land…a picture of what God longs to do in each of our hearts. I’m excited to see how the Lord continues to restore my soul, and how He works out everything for my good and His glory. I’m learning the most important action on my part is continual surrender to Him. Yielding to God’s way and giving up my “rights” or preferences doesn’t always come easily. But when I do, I’m never sad I made that choice. And I marvel at what God can do with open hands and an open heart.

We were sad that
Jayden couldn’t be with us on Christmas day. Everyone took turns going to see him in the NICU. I stayed back since I have the opportunity to see him a lot more often than the rest of my family. This last week was particularly a hard one on him. He has a few complications, and the Doctor’s are perplexed as to what’s causing these complications. It doesn’t look like he’ll be leaving the NICU anytime soon. I got to see him this weekend and was shocked at how big he is. He’s over 5 lbs now…a very good thing. We’d covet your prayers for God’s continued healing touch on Jayden, wisdom for the Doctor’s and Nurses, and strength, peace, and courage for Betsy and Gerson.
Here’s to a better 2009 filled with God’s grace and peace.
Jamie at 7:12 PM