Sunday, January 04, 2009
A Tribute to Grandma Dorothy

It’s with great sadness we said goodbye to our beloved Grandma Dorothy this weekend. She died last Tuesday, December 30. She lived 90 wonderful years. Born at the end of World War I, but in the midst of a flue epidemic, Grandma survived while her twin did not. She was thankful to have survived…as were many of us…for she was such a blessing to many. While she had a gentle spirit about her, she also had enough spunk to get her point across whenever she needed to. I will always remember her love for God, her love for her family, her love for cooking, her love for flowers, and her love for reading. She had the gift of hospitality, always leaving her door open to anyone who would walk through it. She had a way of making everyone feel at home. Whenever I would go visit her and Grandpa, I would often find them in the living room each morning having devotions together and praying. What a wonderful testimony they were to me and many others. Grandpa John and Grandma Dorothy were born in the same year and died in the same year. And now, they are dancing at the feet of Jesus together. This is why I rejoice. They left a godly heritage, are no longer separated, are free of pain, and lived 90 wonderful years together.
Jamie at 7:39 PM
- at 10:48 PM Zachary Levickas said...
I love that. two old people in love with the lord and echother. so good. so good