Saturday, March 21, 2009
Baby Boys Galore!

My third nephew, Johnathon Philip Bennett was born to Andy and Elissa on Sunday, March 15! He and Elissa are doing well. His name means God is gracious and it’s in honor of our Grandpa John, (Johnathon’s Great- Grandpa). And his middle name is in honor of Elissa’s Dad, Phil.

I’m so excited to meet this little fellow and to see Joshua again in a couple of weeks. I love nephews! I’m sure if I ever have any nieces, I’ll absolutely love that as well. For the time being, I’m going to bask in the joy of being an Aunt to three adorable nephews!
Jayden continues to improve and is getting closer and closer to being released from the hospital. Betsy and Gerson are beside themselves with excitement at the possibility of having him home with them. I’m amazed at how much he’s changing and growing. Here's a recent picture.
Jamie at 9:34 PM