My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Monday, March 28, 2011

Introducing My New Blog

My life no longer reflects the title of this blog – some would argue it never did. I agree. So given this, the new adventure I’m on with God, as well as a desperate need for an updated blog look, mosey on over to my new blog when you get a chance and see what’s happening.

Jamie at 6:51 PM


Monday, June 21, 2010

An Ode to The Turd

I wasn’t very excited about you the day we met.

To me you were a means to get from point A to point B.

The fact that your interior color reminded me of fecal matter

Led to your unfortunate name

The Turd

Which I secreted from many

who wants a car called The Turd?

My lack of naming creativity was your dismay, I’m sure.

However, we’ve had quite the thrilling six-year stint

together you and me.

We’ve moved homes three times.

Once you had a garage

those were the days.

But mostly, you’ve been exposed to the elements 24/7.

Thanks for being such a good sport

and not getting rusty on me.

Then there was that fateful day

When I trusted the hand motion of another driver

and got us both in a bind:

My pocket book and your front and back bumpers.

You weathered that storm well too, and might I say, you sure do look good all new!

Sorry about that yellow paint on the driver’s side mirror.

I’ve always wondered why they put those yellow painted cement posts so close to the ATM.

Now I know…guess if it wasn’t for the yellow post, it would have been the ATM!

You were a great companion and friend

between my various destinations

Illinois, Bloomington, Florida, Pennsylvania,

but mostly work, home, and church.

It’s just too bad that I recently figured out the front seats can hold up to three people.

Shoot, we could have had a party of six going on as often as we wanted!

You weathered the random car seat carriers well between my nephews and friends.

And anyone who was graced by your presence seemed to appreciate the solid Turd that you are.

Oh, and I can’t forget our dead of winter trips

where I held your driver’s side door shut as tight as I could since it simply wouldn’t latch.

You were always faithful to warm up enough so the door could close

by the time we reached our destination.

I at least got a good upper arm workout especially while turning right.


We have been through a lot together, haven’t we?

I would be amiss not to mention the wings you tried to spread.

I don’t blame you,

but do you really think loosening your door upholstery

would help you be free of me?

Or maybe you were just craving some tender loving care.

Well, you got it.

I lovingly fastened your fabric back to the door frames…where they are meant to be.

Alas, now it’s time to let go of you.

The day I paid off your debt, I started saving for a new car.

Yet that never stopped you from running smoothly and doing your job well.

Thank you for being such a faithful friend.

Soon, you’ll have a new loving owner who will hopefully have better naming abilities.

I cherish our six years together and am even brought to tears

thinking of how good you’ve been to me.

Farewell to my faithful friend, The Turd.

May you have plenty of opportunities to create happy memories with your new owner

And many more years of smooth running.

Jamie at 6:51 PM


Tuesday, May 04, 2010

Birthday Fun and More Change...

So I’ve pretty much abandoned blogging of late. It seems I go in seasons with this. There’s been a ton going on…so forgive me for my tardiness in posting. I don’t know how many people are really interested in my ramblings anyway…for all I know I could be the only one that reads it…and that’s because I write it. :)

So, let me catch you up to speed. I celebrated my birthday in April and it was the most beautiful birthday I can ever remember. It was 80 degrees! It was a breezy, sunshiny day. I couldn’t have asked for anything better, really. I felt so loved by you, my friends and family…lots of cards, phone calls, and texts. My co-workers had decorated my desk with daisies and I had a bouquet of daffodils welcoming me when I arrived at work.

After work I visited Foster Park…one of my favorites in Fort Wayne…and took quite a few pictures of the blooming flowers. I’ve never seen so many flowers in bloom on my birthday…yet another gift.

I had dinner at Flat Top Grill with my small group – what a fun bunch of girls. Plus, Flat Top Grill was late in bringing out my dinner, so they gave me a $10 certificate plus a free dessert. Dinner was already free that night since receive their emails and they sent me a coupon for a free dinner during my birthday month. Talk about amazing customer service. Michelle H. made me a birthday dessert…pound cake w/ strawberries…two desserts in one night = delightful.

I celebrated my birthday during Easter weekend with my family. It was amazing to be with them over a holiday and so close to my birthday. We went to Ivonhose one night and Gerson had the balloon man make me a tiara to celebrate. I was slightly embarrassed but like a good sport I wore the balloon get up for my thoughtful brother-in-law. 
In other news, Christin decided she wanted to get in on the first-time buyer tax refund so she put an offer on a house and it was accepted! You know what that means…we’re moving! It’s about time since I’m on a 2-3 year rotation for moving. I don’t relish the idea of change and packing all my stuff up once again. However, I’m super excited to continue living with Christin and there are a lot of benefits to living in a house. Let’s see, there’s a garage, there’s a yard where I can garden, and there’s more space to list a few perks! Christin’s best friend from college, Sarah, is moving in with us since there are three bedrooms. So, it will be our own little bachelorette pad I suppose. I’m looking forward to getting to know our new neighbors. Closing is June 1st but we won’t be moving until sometime in July since we want to do some painting before we move all of our stuff in.
I’m also really excited about the new things God is doing in my heart and life. He’s been healing my heart and continues to do so. He’s also been teaching me, challenging me, and growing me. Life is full, and I’m so thankful for His guiding hand in everything.

I’m sure there’s much more I could write about…but this will have to do for now. I need to head to small group. So until next time, God bless you, friend!

Jamie at 6:29 PM


Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Potter Knows the Clay

I’ve been reminded lately how quickly life as we know it can change. The most recent change in my life is that James and I are no longer dating. The pain and grief has been strong. But I serve a God who is stronger and bigger than this pain. For that, I’m thankful. He’s healed my heart before, and I trust He’ll do it again.

God has used many songs to comfort me and bring about healing in the past, and He continues to do so. This is one of many songs that speaks to where I’m at and gives me great comfort.

“The Potter Knows the Clay”
I know you’re going through the fire
It’s getting hard to stand the heat
But even harder is the wondering
Is God’s hand still on me
It’s lonely in the flame
When your counting days of pain.

But the Potter knows the clay
How much pressure it can take
How many times around the wheel
Til there’s submission to his will
He’s planned a beautiful design
But it’ll take some fire and time
It’s gonna be okay
Cause the Potter knows the clay

Friend, I just came through that fire
Not too very long ago
And looking back I can see why
And that my God was in control
But on the hottest day, I’d cry
Oh, Lord, Isn’t it about time

But the Potter knows the clay
How much pressure it can take
How many times around the wheel
Til there’s submission to His will
He’s planned a beautiful design
But it’ll take some fire and time
It’s gonna be okay
Cause the Potter knows the clay

I heard this song played on the radio yesterday and found it comforting.

"Healing Hand Of God"

I have seen the many faces,
I fear in the pain.
I have watched the tears fall plenty,
From heart ache and strength.
So if life's journey,
Has you weary and afraid.
There's rest in the shadow of his wings.
I have walked through the valleys,
The mountains and plains.
I have held the hand of freedom,
It washes all my stains.
If you feel the weight of many trials,
And burdens from this world.
There's freedom in the shelter of the Lord.

I have seen,
The healing hand of God,
Reaching out and mending broken hearts.
Taste and see the fullness of His peace,
And hold on to what's being held out.
The healing hand of God.

I have touched the scars upon His hands,
To see if they were real.
He has walked the road before me,
He knows just how I feel.
When you feel there is not anyone,
Who understands your pain,
Just remember all of Jesus' suffering.


Cast all your cares on Him,
For He cares for you.
He's near to the broken and confused.
By His stripes,
Our spirit is renewed.
So enter in the joy prepared for you.


The healing hand of God (x2)
And hold on to what's being held out (x2)
The healing hand of God
Oh Oh Oh Oh
As for this next song, it’s been a long standing song God has used to minister to my heart over the years. I have a strong sense of God’s presence whenever I’m listening to it and allowing the truth of who He is to poor over my soul. I drink it in, often I cry, and God meets me there in my brokenness. This is a song I go to often, and I’m never disappointed when I do because God draws me to Him through it, reminding me of who He is and of His rock solid faithfulness.

"I Am" – Jill Phillips

Oh gently lay your head
Upon my chest
And I will comfort you
Like a mother while you rest
The tide can change so fast,
But I will stay
The same through the past,
The same in future, same today

I am constant; I am near
I am peace that shatters all your secret fears
I am holy; I am wise
I'm the only one who knows your heart's desires
Your heart's desires

Oh weary, tired and worn,
Let out your sighs
And drop that heavy load you hold
Cause Mine is light

I know you through and through;
There's no need to hide
I want to show you love
That is deep and high and wide

Oh gently lay your head
Upon my chest
And I will comfort you
Like a mother while you rest

God has been so faithful to me many times before, and He still is in this trying season. I know He doesn’t waste anything, and I pray He’s working this circumstance out for His glory and for the good of His children. May you also take comfort in His faithfulness, sovereignty, and great love in whatever fire of life you’re facing. Remember, the Potter knows the clay, so it’s gonna be okay.

Jamie at 3:28 PM


Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Where in the World has Jamie Been?

Good question. I had quite a go at blogging in November and then all the sudden there was silence. Let me splain. No there’s too much too splain. Let me sum up. (Yes, I spelled explain wrong on purpose. That’s for all you Princess Bride Fans.)
Christmas was in Illinois this year at the new/old homestead. Old because it’s been in the family for years. It was my Grandparents house and where my Dad grew up. New because it’s where my parents are moving to. In fact, my Dad arrived there this week with all their earthly goods. He’s now surrounded with stacks of boxes and misplaced furniture. My Mom is still in Florida as today was her last day on the job. The house closes next Tuesday. We’re so thankful they were able to sell it. I’m really looking forward to having my parents closer and being able to visit them on the farm. I can’t wait for all the fresh garden goodness that will be forth coming this summer!

I totally got off topic there. Christmas was great although we missed Gerson, Betsy and Jayden as they spent the holidays in Bolivia. The rest of us enjoyed the short amount of time we had together. Peter was there with us, and we recently had a sibling gathering in Gas City to say farewell to Pete. He’s headed to Iraq next month and could be gone up to a year. Please keep him in your prayers.

I spent New Year’s with my best friend Claire, which as you know we always have a great time when we're together.

Among all of this, work has been keeping me quite busy these days with our annual fund raiser and other added responsibilities for this season.

So there you have it – Christmas, New Years, sibling gathering, and work responsibilities have been keeping me occupied these days. Tonight I’m home trying to recover from a sinus infection. So, I thought I’d get a fire going in the fire place, sip on some tea, and settle in to catch y’all up. I have no idea how regularly I’ll be posting as this season proves to be very full. I continue to meet with my small group on a weekly basis as well as Melanie. We’re about half way through the CTO material and continue to do life together. I’ll be sure to post again whenever I have blog worthy news and the time to write. Until then, stay warm and try to enjoy this winter. As for me, I’m yearning for spring but trying to appreciate the beauty of the snow. Every season has its purpose, I know. So may we join together in fully realizing the purpose of this season while readying ourselves to celebrate the beauty of spring once it finally arrives!

Jamie at 9:53 PM


Sunday, December 13, 2009

A Season of Thanksgiving: The Rest of My Siblings

Our Thanksgiving holiday plans were changed at the last minute this year due to illnesses. We were all quite sad, but I was thankful for plan B. The original plan was for Betsy, Gerson, Jayden and me to spend Thanksgiving in Wisconsin with Andy, Elissa, the boys and Elissa’s parents at Elissa’s parent’s house. We dearly missed our Wisconsin family, but I’m thankful we’ll be able to see them over Christmas in Illinois. Plan B ended up being a small family gathering in Gas City with a last minute dinner thrown together. I must admit…for a last minute dinner, it turned out pretty good! I made Cornish hens for the first time with a recipe I found online. Gerson, Betsy, Jayden, and I enjoyed a low key weekend together and played three games of Settler’s of Catan… the Seafarers edition. We each won one game so we ended the weekend on happy terms.

I loved being able to have extended time to just be with Betsy and Gerson and talk about matters of the heart. They have so much wisdom and encouragement to share. I also really look up to them and their parenting . The way the love and care for Jayden is evidence of God’s love flowing in and through them. I’m savoring every minute I get to spend with them since the plan is for them to move to Texas this coming summer.

I also dearly miss having Andy and Elissa close by. I’m so thankful for their friendship and wisdom they have to share about life. Watching them parent is also quite encouraging to me. I see how much work it is…but admire their steady patience, loving discipline, and creative interactions with the boys. I tell you what; I’ve got plenty of people to go to for advice whenever my turn comes.

I’m so thankful for all of my family and consider myself rich in love because of them.

Jamie at 8:32 PM


Sunday, November 22, 2009

A Season of Thanksgiving: My Parents

I’m so thankful for my parents...for their love, their wisdom, their prayers, their discipline, and their faith. They’ve seen me at my worst and at my best and have stuck with me through it all. I’ve found them to be full of wise council from their years of life experience. Their love for each other shows me it is possible for a couple to stay married and have a wonderful life together in our society. Both of them have called me on numerous occasions to share a scripture verse with me…one that is particularly meaningful for whatever situation I’m facing in life. I’ve not ever doubted God’s love for me and I think that is in large part because of my parents overwhelming demonstration of God’s love to me through their own loving actions and words. I appreciate that they know what to say, how much to say, and when to stop and let God do the rest of the work. I’m so thankful they desire to be a part of my life and yet have given me the freedom to spread my wings and fly. I’m thankful for the sacrifices they’ve made for me over the years. How do I express my gratitude? Saying thanks just doesn’t seem to be enough. Mom and Dad, I love you with all my heart and am grateful beyond words for both of you.

Jamie at 6:19 PM
