Saturday, October 25, 2008
Celebrating the Big and Little things in Life
Do you ever have a circumstance in your life where you have to keep reminding yourself, “God is bigger than this”? Well, that’s been the case for our family as we’ve prayed fervently for Betsy, her and the baby’s health, and Gerson’s arrival to the U.S. It’s been quite the journey and we’ve seen God work out every detail along the way. While some things seem to continue to fit in the unknown category, we are so encouraged to see God’s hand in it all. After much prayer and anticipation we are celebrating that Gerson will be on U.S. soil with Betsy on Monday night. It’s so wonderful to know they’ll be together again and can face the unknowns of this pregnancy together. Thanks for your prayers.
Last weekend I went to the Group Life conference at Willow Creek near Chicago. It was a really good experience. I came away with a lot to chew on a
nd be challenged by but was also affirmed in a lot of what our small group is already doing. Over all it was very encouraging, and I’m glad I went.
Speaking of small group, last week we had a fun week and carved pumpkins together. Christin carved a cat figure into her pumpkin and I stuck with a silly smiley face. I tried to bake the pumpkin seeds but ended up burning them. It smelled worse than burnt popcorn. I had the bright idea of dressing up too. Rather than coming up with a costume, everyone just brought their old bridesmaid dresses and we all tried them on and danced in our living room. We even did our dog pile…it’s tradition now to do at every wedding we all attend. 
There are many things that make me smile. Yesterday I smiled because Andy called me and told me that my adorable nephew, Joshua, had just taken my picture off their fridge and started kissing it. Oh if that doesn’t do my heart good, I don’t know what will! I miss that little guy and am glad we’ll all be together for Christmas this year. Pretty soon I’ll have two more nephews to love on, and I’ll be in Aunt heaven. What has made you smile lately? I’d love to know!
There are many things that make me smile. Yesterday I smiled because Andy called me and told me that my adorable nephew, Joshua, had just taken my picture off their fridge and started kissing it. Oh if that doesn’t do my heart good, I don’t know what will! I miss that little guy and am glad we’ll all be together for Christmas this year. Pretty soon I’ll have two more nephews to love on, and I’ll be in Aunt heaven. What has made you smile lately? I’d love to know!
Jamie at 1:37 PM
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Playing Catch Up
Life has been crazy of late, so I’ll try to summarize what’s been happening. Otherwise, I’d have to write a book…and I don’t have time to write a book just as I imagine you don’t have time to read a book! So here we go.Half Marathon
Well, I did it! I walked the entire 13.1 miles and finished the half marathon bef

Back Home in Indiana
My sister, Bets
y, flew to Indy due to a medical emergency in late September. She’s been having complications with her pregnancy so Gerson and she decided it would be in her and the baby’s best interest to receive medical care here in the states. Unfortunately, Gerson couldn’t come with Betsy because he has yet to get his spouse visa. He’s in the process of making that happen and has an interview date with the U.S. embassy in LaPaz on October 27. We’re praying he can get here ASAP so he and Betsy can be together during this very difficult time. You can read all about their story and get updates on their blog. Your prayers for them are much appreciated!
I’ve loved having Betsy close by and have been spending as much time with her as possible. My Mom flew into Indy a few weeks ago as well. It was great to be able to hang out with both of them. The plan is for Betsy and Gerson to live in Gas City over the next year while they raise support to for their next ministry assignment. I’m going to love having them only an hour away!
Kendallville Apple Fest
I missed the Johnny Appleseed Festival since I was picking my sister up from th
Halloween Décor
Do you know that Halloween is the most decorated holiday? I’m less than thrilled about the décor my neighbor has decided to display. I walk out my front door and there before me are skeleton hands sticking out of the ground along with other bones and a skull in front of a tombstone, the upper torso of a scary looking man coming out of the ground, and flesh colored arms and a foot with blood dripping down and bones sticking out of them. Not to mention the huge spider web with the biggest spider imaginable plastered right in the center. Now that’s where I draw the line folks. I’ll just be glad when I don’t have to look at it every day. Notice, I'm not posting any pics of this display!
Road Trip
My Dad flew into see my Grandpa Gail this last weekend, so Betsy and I headed to southern Illinois to meet up with them. It was nice for all of us to be together. Betsy and I
decided to take a little photo shoot around our Grandpa’s farm since Gerson is just aching for pictures of his beloved wife.
We spent some time visiting with Grandpa Gail and then during the remainder of our time we cleaned out the freezer and refrigerator since he’s now living in a nursing home. We were thrilled to see a sparkling fridge at the end of the day….although the process of getting there was a bit daunting and at times disgusting. It gives me the motivation to keep up with the cleaning of my own fridge.
While we were on the farm, I took advantage of the wood scraps in the shed and stocked up on kindling firewood for this winter. I love a good fire in the fireplace...especially on blistery winter days. I'm looking forward to that.
We also visited my Grandma Verna’s gravesite and then stopped at my Grandpa John’s gravesite on our way back home. I hadn’t seen Grandpa John’s gravesite since they had the tombstone engraved. It’s so beautiful. They had the entire farm etched on it…simply breathtaking.
I think that about catches you up on what’s been happening. Hopefully it won’t be another month before I post again.
Jamie at 8:29 PM