Wednesday, December 20, 2006
David Phelps Concert
Last night I went to the David Phelps concert with Andy, Elissa, Michelle and Kari. Let me just tell you, it was fantastic! David has such a pure and powerful voice. And to make it even was a Christmas concert! It lasted 3 1/2 hours though. I couldn't believe it. Intermission wasn't until 9:30 p.m. The concert was well worth staying for the entire time though. Kari and I stayed until the last song...I guess we missed the encore song...but that's ok. Andy, Elissa, and Michelle had to leave early. Below are some pics of us at the concertIn other news I'm headed to Florida on Friday! I'm so excited I can hardly wait. I've been starting my packing tonight. Tomorrow is going to be a crazy day at work trying to finish up last minute stuff and getting as much done as I can. I know I'll hit the ground running when I return, so the more I can get done now, the better.
I've been fighting a cold of late and thanks to Rachael I learned that garlic is a natural antibiotic. So, I thought I'd try it out. It works! I've been taking these garlic pills three times a day plus a multi-vitamin and am feeling much better, thankfully! I can't even imagine how aweful it would be to get on a plane to go home for Christmas feeling sick. Not fun at all.
Well, incase I don't get a chance to blog again really soon, Merry Christmas!
Jamie at 8:19 PM
Sunday, December 10, 2006
Weekend Fun
It's hard to believe another weekend has come and gone. It's even more hard to believe that Christmas is only two weeks away! Crazy!Yesterday I slept in and slowly made my way out of bed. It was so nice to have a relaxing start to the morning. I don't have enough of those! Then I got to work on cleaning the house, making sugared pecans for our small group party this week, and other random things on my to do list.
Lator on Angie, her Mom, and I went to see The Nativity Story. It was sooooo good! I came away feeling so joyful and peaceful all at the same time. It was so moving I shed a few tears at one point. I'd highly recommend this movie to anyone and everyone. It's kid friendly as no worries about that.
Finally, I ended the day by going bowling with a group of people who attend the CORE. I go to the CORE every Sunday night. It's a service for 18-30 yr olds. Anyway, they were getting together from 9-12 p.m. last night to go bowling so I decided to go. I think the first 4 times I bowled, I hit the gutter...oops. By the end of the night I had gotten 3 strikes and a couple spares! I was quite excited! I had several people compliment me on my "talent". I assured them it wasn't was pure luck as I don't even remember the last time I bowled. Perhaps with some training I could aquire some talent...but seeing as how that's not my priority right now, I'll just have to be an amateur and be pleasantly surprised whenever I do well in the game. Speaking of the CORE, I need to get ready to go.
Jamie at 4:40 PM
Monday, December 04, 2006
December Already?
Can you believe it's already December? There's only 21 days until Christmas! Only 18 until I get on a plane and head to Florida to spend Christmas with my family! This last Saturday I went to a church in Berne to see Handal's Messiah performed. It was absolutely beautiful and a great way to begin Advent. Speaking of Christmas I need to finish putting up my decor. So, I'll sign off for now.Jamie at 9:19 PM
The Flood
Since I didn't get a chance to post pics from the flood, I thought I'd reminisce a bit and show you what we awoke to that fine October day. This first pic shows Randy (Angie's boyfriend) digging out all the gook (is that a word?) that was in our sump pump. It smelled like a sewer. Thanks Randy for doing such a yucky job!Jamie at 9:00 PM
The Final Touch
After the third coat of red paint we decided to keep the wall as is in the dinning room rather than sponging it. I'm thankful to be done with that room...soon we'll be moving onto the kitchen and stairwell. Here are a few pictures of the dining room. We pulled all the colors together with a center peice on the table and picture hanging on the wall. Angie and I are pleased with the end result. I read that one of these colors stimulates conversation and appetite (I can't remember which one...I'm thinking it was the orange). It will be interesting to see if we notice a difference. :)Jamie at 8:50 PM