My Not That Exciting but Perfectly Fine Life

"We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.” Frederick Keonig

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

A New Look

Here's my new hair cut...I decided to go for a more fun style. I'm 24 years old and by golly, I ought a look 24, right? So, here it is! This pictures is a self it's not the best quality...but it works.

Jamie at 5:42 PM


Ahhh, Relaxation!

Here I am just chilling out now that my room is painted and put back into order. It feels so fresh, crisp, clean and just plain welcoming. I love spending time in there now and am so thankful I was able to paint it. Three of the four walls are the beige you see in this picture and the other wall is the dark burgandy you see behind the headboard of my bed. Ahhh, the joy of a freshly painted room!

Jamie at 5:30 PM


Painting Prep and Process

This last weekend I decided to tackle my room and paint it. I've wanted to paint it ever since I moved in but just got around to it last weekend. I ended up moving all the furniture by myself and ended up popping a blood vessil in my eye...I'm guessing from straining when I shoved my furniture around. So, I've been wearing glasses all week until the redness in my eye clears up. Fun times! It's funny becuase preping the room takes more time than actually painting it by the time you move everything, tape everything, wipe all the cob webs away, vaccumme, etc. etc. Above are some in progress pictures. You can see it was just a boring white room with lots of scuffs on the walls.

Jamie at 5:04 PM


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Saying Farewell

Saying farewell was a bit difficult since Claire and I have been best friends since first grade. It will be different being away from her for so long. However, now that we're both hooked up with blogs and now that technolodgy has come a long way since our parent's day, it will be a lot easier to keep in touch. Besides, I think a year will fly by so fast. Time seems to speed up the older I get. I'm exctied for Claire and John and all the new things they will encounter while they're on this adventure.

Brad and Gail are pictured above...they have invited me to come to Bloomington any time I want. They are practically my second parents and are great fun. I plan to make some trips down that way and hang out with them. It will be good for all of us, I'm sure.

Jamie at 5:04 PM


Preparing For the Big Trip

Claire and John had accomplished a lot before their last weekend in Bloomington in preperation for their trip to the DR. They still had a few last minute items to check off their list while I was there i.e. packing. They were debating on whether to take 5 bags or 4 taking into consideration the over weight fees and extra baggage fees. They finally determined 5 bags would be cheaper than taking 4 over weight bags. Well, if you want the rest of the story, visit their blog at It's worth checking it out, trust me.

I was able to help them with one very fun task...spending all their gift cards! Since they are both teachers, they have recieved quite a bit of gift cards from students in the last year or two. So, it was fun to do the shopping thing...although Claire would probably disagree on that note. I enjoy shopping non-the-less.

The plant that Claire and I are standing by in the above pictures is a plant I gave her many, many years ago. She named him Pete. He was just a little thing when I gave him to her and I'm amazed every time I see him how much he's grown! So, ofcourse, we had to take a picture by him.

Jamie at 4:54 PM


Bloomington's Farmers Market

Well, this last weekend I said farewell until next summer to Claire and John. They traveled to the Dominican Republic on Monday (their anniversary) and will be teaching there this school year. They'll be back in Indiana next summer, but hope to return to the DR for another school year.

While I was in Bloomington visiting them, we all went to the Farmers Market. That's where we're at in the above pictures. It was fun to watch the people as well as check out all the great produce available to buy. Both Claire's parents and John's parents were with us the entire weekend. We had some good home cooked meals together. It's so nice and much easier when everyone pitches in to make a meal and clean up. What a team we made!

Jamie at 4:48 PM


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Michelle and Steve's Wedding

Our small group attended Michelle and Steve's wedding on July 29. We had a fun time together...and at times couldn't stop laughing. What can I say, we're a jolly group. It was unfortunate when the laughing sprees came at inapropriate times, however. Michelle is in our small group and knows how it she was pretty understanding. The wedding was beautiful and now Steve and Michelle are enjoying their first weeks of marriage in Mexico.

It was a big weekend for our small group. We had the wedding, plus it was Michelle's birthday...not the one that got married...but the other one standing to the right of the bride in the first picture (I know it's confusing...we have two Amy's two Michelle's and two Kari's in our small group). And one of the Amy's (she's in the blue strapless dress in the first picture) in our group became engaged the prior week and shared the good news with us that weekend. We had a lot to celebrate! So it was a great weekend all in all.

Jamie at 4:29 PM


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Walking in the Country

While we were visiting Grandpa, Dad and I decided to take a walk around the farm a couple times. Dad did a little photo shoot since he's always looking for great pictures. On this particular walk, I decided to take my camera. Guess it's in the blood. So, we took a self portrait of us together. I thought it turned out pretty well. I also decided to take a few pictures of's so beautiful in the country. I love the peacfulness of it all.

Jamie at 7:54 AM


Blackbery Cobbler

A couple weekends ago I traveled to Southern, IL to see my Grandpa for his 82nd birthday. Both Dad and I were able to go and celebrate with him. I thought it was only appropriate to have some sort of birthday treat for Grandpa, so we went out the back door of his house straight to the blackberry bushes and started picking blackberries so I could make a cobbler for his birthday treat. I must say, the crust worked really well for me this doesn't always. So, I was excited about that. Grandpa sent me home with enough blackberries to make four more cobblers with, a few ears of home grown sweet corn (nothing like it) and some tomatoes from his garden. What a happy girl I was. The berries are frozen now and ready for whenever I get a hankering for some cobbler.

Jamie at 7:46 AM


Great Seats...So We Thought

Here we are sitting in the nook of this building waiting for the fireworks to go off. We were cattycorner to the building where they were setting them off, so we thought we had great seats. We soon found out that what goes up, must come down. You guessed it, soon after the fireworks started we were getting pelted with debris. It was fun non-the-less. We had a good time together and laughed a lot like we normally do when we're together. Once you get Christin and Kari together and laughing, there's no stopping them. The fireworks were fun. I think my favorite ones were the gold fan like ones. There weren't as many big thundering ones this year, but they were still pretty.

Jamie at 7:37 AM
