Tuesday, July 25, 2006
Three Rivers Fireworks

A couple Sunday's ago, some of my friends and I decided to go downtown for the Three Rivers Festival fireworks display. Above is Christin, Karri and me squished in the back seat of Tom's (Amy's boyfriend) mustang, convertible . Amy and Tom were enjoying the comforts of the front seats. As you can see, Christin was the only one that managed to get her seat belt on. It was a perfect night for a ride in a convertible...ofcourse, what summer night isn't a good time for a ride in a convertible. Let me just say, there was no complaining by any of us even though we were completely wedged in the back. There really was no need for a seat belt.
Jamie at 4:48 PM
Friday, July 14, 2006
Paint or Plant?
Angie and I had quite a funny moment the other evening. I had driven by a hardware store on my way to work Wednesday morning and glanced at the sign on my way by. I read "All paint 50% off." I thought, WOW! What a great deal! Angie and I have been wanting to do some painting upstairs, so I emailed her about the great sale just down the road from us. She was excited as well and we decided to go check it out that night after work. Well, we went there and looked at the paint samples. We even picked out some great colors, but felt like it would be a good idea to go home and think about them before taking the plunge. We wanted to make sure everything really did match. So, I decided we needed to find out how long the sale would be going on. I sauntered up to the cash register lady and asked her, "How long is your paint sale going on?" She looked at me as if she'd never heard of the paint sale. So, I clarified, "The sign outside says all paint is 50% off. Well, she then said, just a minute and called another associate up to the front. As the other lady who supposedly had an answer for me was walking to the front, the cash register lady looked at me and said, "I think the sign says all PLANTS are 50% off." So, we looked out the window and sure enough...it said PLANTS not PAINT. So, Angie and I said thanks and walked away quickly from the register while we laughed hysterically at my silly mistake. I find it all quite funny seeing as how I used to work at a grocery store and I was always the one correcting people when they would say "The sign said this" when in reality they just read it wrong. It just goes to show you that we read what we want to see. I have absolutely no interest in buying a plant right now. I guess it was wishful seeing instead of thinking, eh? Two great things happened from this...I provided Angie with some much needed laughter and we got paint picked out for the kitchen, dining room, and my bedroom. We hope to tackle the project this fall and in the mean time watch for REAL PAINT SALES!Jamie at 4:37 PM
Tuesday, July 11, 2006
The Camping Crew

Here we all are...the camping crew (my small group from church). From left to right...Christin, Amy, me, Michelle, and Kari. I have a feeling this is a camping adventure we will be hard pressed to forget for a while. Our friendly camping neighbors were nice enough to take this photo of us. I did manage to figure out the timing feature on my camera on this trip...I managed to figure out Michelle's camera's timing feature as well...although that was on accident. Hey, but at least it's a useful discovery, right?
Jamie at 5:52 PM
Big Sunglasses and More

Jamie at 5:46 PM

Saturday morning we took a LONG walk around Pokagon State Park. After making a few wrong turns, we finally made our destination...the horse barn. We decided not to go on a ride but enjoyed petting the horses. Above you'll see the horses are wearing fly masks. I was sad we couldn't really see their eyes...but I'm sure the horses appreciated not being irritated by pesky flies.
Jamie at 5:40 PM
Slumber Party

Jamie at 5:37 PM
Raising the Tent and Getting Busted

We did manage to get our tent up...but not without our friendly camping neighbor's help. I know, it's pathetic isn't it? I'm convinced we would have gotten it on our own...it just might have been a bit longer that it took us with the help. This picture was taken this last Saturday morning when I was waiting for the rest of the girls to wake up.
Yup, I was up at 8:00 a.m. Mind you this was after getting to bed around 1:00 a.m. and not falling alseep until 2:00 a.m. We were so busted at 1:00 a.m. by a park ranger also. It was qutie funny really. Here we are all young ladies in our mid-twenties laughing hysterically and loudly at 1:00 a.m. Next thing we know a park ranger is outside our tent asking someone to step outside the tent. Guess who was next to the door? Yup, it was me. So I stepped out and listened to him say he was over at our neighbors campsite and could hear us and he would appreciate it if we would keep it down for our neighbors sake. We were polite and accepted his admonishment...I even said thank you...funny thing to say...but I did. After he left we all had to stuff our heads in our pillows while we laughed hysterically at the fact that we were just busted while camping!
By 9:00 a.m. I gave up on waiting and decided to wake them up. Once I convinced them to get up, we all enjoyed some KrispyKreme donuts. I know, it's not really hard core camping when you have donuts for breakfast...but it sure was yummy. Nothing like starting your day off with a sugar rush. Hey, you're talking to the girl who eats ice cream occasionaly for breakfast.
Jamie at 5:23 PM
Starting a Campfire

When our small group decided to go camping this summer, we didn't think about the fact that no one in our group had ever been solely responsible for starting a campfire nor setting up a tent. Thankfully Christin and Michelle managed to get our first fire going. It was a learning experience for all of us...and besides that, we had a blast together.
Jamie at 5:18 PM
July 4th Fun

Jamie at 5:09 PM
Wednesday, July 05, 2006
Celebrating 60 Years of Marriage

This last weekend I had the joy of joining the Pontius family in Van Wert, OH to celebrate Don and Donna Pontius (Claire's grandparents) 60th wedding anniversary. WOW! 60 years! That's amazing. They said their vows again with all four of the family pastors officiating. The microphone was swinging back and forth quite a bit as you can imagine. Above is a picture of Claire at our picture taking post we developed...it's not quite the same as a studio...but it worked. That was part of our job on Saturday as we set up for the big day. Claire was making sure everyone that walked in the door got their picture taken for the scrap book. Somehow I magaged to sneak out of the mandatory pictures. I think Claire's a bit dumbfounded over that one. Out of the entire group of people that showed up, only two people refused to get their pictures taken...and one of them was me. Well, I didn't really refuse...we just ran out of time before the ceremony started, right Claire? However, I don't think the Pontius family will be hard pressed to find a picture of me.
Jamie at 4:41 PM